Activating your vehicle

The following section describes how to activate your DeltaQuad Evo.

  1. Log into your Auterion Suite account via a browser of your choice.

  1. Go to the Vehicles tab.

  1. Click on Activate Vehicle in the upper right corner.

  1. You get different options to activate the vehicle in the following window. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and choose register without connectivity.

  1. Choose DeltaQuad as the manufacturer.

  1. Choose Evo as the model.

  1. During the shipping process, DeltaQuad will contact you to provide information regarding the Vehicle's Serial Number. Input the same number into the corresponding fields for Vehicle Name and Vehicle Serial Number in Auterion Suite.

You can find this number on the DeltaQuad Evo flight case as well as on the Evo's fuselage upon lid removal. Typically, it begins with a letter, followed by a sequence of digits, and concludes with one or more letters.

For instance: E0-123456-E

  1. Enable cloud services for this vehicle if you wish to make use of it. Click on + Register. After a few seconds, the vehicle should be transferred to your account.

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